Arma 2 Official Website


Cpt Shaftoe:

"It‘s hard not to like Rodriguez but Lord knows that Marine can be a pain in the ass. Despite prodigious combat skills I think his chances of promotion are limited at this time."

Sgt Chad Rodriguez


"Razor" heavy gunner

Rank/Pay Grade:
Sergeant (E-5)

Date of Birth:
March 6th 1975

Life and career:
Orphaned at a young age, Rodriguez is the classic example of the Corps straightening out a delinquent youth. Managed to stay on the right side of the law despite patchy high school attendance. Regarded as a ‚high maintenance‘ Marine by his peers Rodriguez has a reputation for carelessness. Battle-hardened by tours in Iraq and A-stan, the Sergeant has earned real respect as a fighter in the 27th MEU corpus. Completed training modules include: SOI, TBS, SMTC, BRC, SERE, SST, MCMAP

Special skills:
Remarkable shooting proficiency, physical constitution and deep knowledge of various weapons platforms.
